I got the idea from some ladies off of the cricut message board for the smarties jar, the flowers, and the name plaque, sorry I can't rememer who they were to give credit to. The smarties jar says "Thank you for making me a real smartie" and the lettering came from Base Camp. The pencil holder I painted white and used a black paint marker to write her name with and all of the pictures are stickers from the me and my big idea and then I added a red and white gingham bow. The flower pot with the flowers, I added all of the kids in the class in the center of the flower and I found the poem on the internet and I put the poem on with ladybug brads. The Thank you was cut out with the Storybook cartridge, and the flowers and flower pot was cut out by the Walk in my Garden cartridge. The name plaque was made from the Speaking of School cartridge. I bought the frame at Michaels.
Reverse Plaid Star - Simon Says Stamp
2 hours ago